Well, it is only halfway through the day and I now know what God had for me today. I arrived at the ‘School of His Presence’ presentation with Eric William Gilmour at CAPSS Conference 2018 in Niagra Falls. After his first segment we set aside time to focus on Christ, to worship and listen for His voice, to enter into His presence.
I saw the picture of the little girl again (you know the same little girl that jumped out of bed like it was Christmas morning), only this time I was sitting on a beach, and my little hands smoothed out the sand in front of me with expectation.
I waited to see what God was going to say. Perhaps he was going to write something in the sand for me? Maybe a burning bush? A new assignment?And then I saw the feet of Jesus and looked up.
“Surprise” he said, “it’s me”.

Listening to Eric’s message reminded me of a time when I was aching inside, and I didn’t know why. I went to the piano (my prayer closet) and sat still. I began to play and enter into Christ’s presence and Jesus answered me with these words…..
“When the silence shouts inside I know I’m overdue, for a cup of water and a living word from You. Oh just for once you’d think I’d meet you halfway, but You’re always first in line for me.”
Jesus knows we need Him. When you are feeling restless and can’t put a finger on what is wrong, it is really your soul missing His presence. If you are constantly aching and feeling like something is not right, it is time for you to call out His name. He will respond.
Today I want to be first in line for You Lord.
You are my surprise everyday, and You are everything to me.