There are seasons of our lives that require more focus than others. Distractions get better at disguising themselves in brighter colours or louder voices, or darker valleys. If we are not careful our beloved Creator and Savior fades into the frey.
Many times I have recognized the lull, the uneasiness as a sign to return to the quiet place, where I am reminded He is everything and I am His. Scripture tells us that He knew us before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5). Jared Oliphint pens “God knew you in eternity before anything was made, and he knew you in history, before your arrival here on earth“ (www.desiringgod.org, The Story of You).
As I ponder His loving kindness towards me, and the mystery of the Gospel I recall the many times the Spirit has whispered to me through music. Music is His chosen tool for me that continually draws me through the deserts of life, past the idols and broken down promises of man made kings, to a throne where the Faithful One resides.
Yesterday I put these truths into a song to bring Him worship and praise and recognition for all he has done. As I sing the words “Your melody” I hear another voice in harmony sing - “Your Majesty.”
Your Melody
There’s a magic thread that intwines us
and you wove it there before time
With it’s colourful connections
making music in my mind
For you knew I would need each note to keep
You in front of me to soak so deep,,.ly,
into my bones,
O Spirit breathe on me
Your melody
And your timbre rings like a river
flowing to my soulful sea
With your whispers of affection
and your praise so wild and free
For you knew how weak my memory serves
so you tenderly speak in notes and curves,
marrow and bone,
O Spirit breath on me
Your melody
You are worthy,
You’re my song
Your Majesty
Written by Cindy Palin, All Rights Reserved ©October 21, 2023
www.Unsplash.com Photo by Anne Nygard